Xavier Méra

Sur le site de l'IEM

Antitrust policy: which competition is one talking about ?

Article published exclusively on the Institut économique Molinari's website. A new threat of complaint for dominant position abuse hovers over Microsoft. This time, it is the Adobe company which challenges Bill Gate’s firm. As a spokesman for Adobe said, "Microsoft is in a monopoly position, and we are always attentive to the possibility that it could use it." This new situation was foreseeable.

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Haro sur les ententes


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Sur le site de l'IEM

Haro on cartels

Article published exclusively on the Institut économique Molinari's website. 344 million euros. This is the fine inflicted by the European Commission on 31 May on five chemical companies accused of colluding between 1997 and 2002 on the price of acrylic glass, better known under the name of Plexiglas.

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Sur le site de l'IEM

Sustainable development: a nonsensical prescription vis-à-vis the exhaustion of oil

Article published exclusively on the Institut économique Molinari's website. Sustainable development week took place in France from 29 May to 4 June, under the auspices of the ministry for ecology. These celebrations are certainly the occasion to reflect on the significance of the concept of sustainable development and on its practical implications.

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Dans les médias

L’Europe et sa drôle de politique anti-trust

Article publié par L'Écho le 29 juin 2006.

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Sur le site de l'IEM

The false virtues of energy independence

Article published exclusively on the Institut économique Molinari's website. "The State must ensure the energy independence of the nation." This is one of the most usual justifications of "economic patriotism" in the energy field. It was recently used to support the French government’s decision to merge GDF and Suez, blocking a possible takeover by the Italian Enel on the latter.

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Dans les médias

Développement durable: fausse prescription face au pétrole

Article publié par l'Agefi le 19 juin 2006.

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Sur le site de l'IEM

The anti-tobacco campaign and its contradictions

Article published exclusively on the Institut économique Molinari's website. Many governments in North America and Europe have moved toward a ban on cigarette smoking in public places, or are planning to do so. After Ireland in March 2004, Italy in January 2005 and Sweden in June 2005, France may fall under the same prohibition laws. For the first time in this country, such a proposal has begun to be discussed in…

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Dans les médias

Un service civil obligatoire peut-il contribuer à l’insertion des jeunes ?

Article publié par L'Écho le 30 mai 2006.

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Dans les médias

Protéger le consommateur malgré lui ?

Article publié par L'Écho le 31 mars 2006.

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